NEWS: Independence Foundation Mourns the Loss of Judge Phyllis W. Beck

HIAS PA - older man and younger child

Senior Attorney Sabbaticals

Independence Foundation believes that senior attorneys in the public interest law sector, and indirectly their clients, would benefit from the opportunity for a hiatus from this demanding work.

About this Fellowship

In 2008, the Foundation created a two-month sabbatical fellowship program for senior attorneys with over ten years in the sector. 

Program Description

The duration of each sabbatical will be two months and may be used for travel, study, connection to peer organizations, or other purposes as described by the applicant. The fellowship will provide a maximum of $20,000 inclusive of salary reimbursement and associated travel (capped at $10,000).

The organization sponsoring an applicant is required to provide health care coverage and all other normal benefits during the sabbatical.

Eligibility Requirements

  • An applicant must be a senior lawyer from a public interest law organization in the five-county Philadelphia region that is a current or former Independence Foundation grantee
  • Applicants should have spent a minimum of ten years of full-time consecutive service in the public interest law sector (clerkships do not apply) and have taken no other sabbatical within the previous five years
  • Applicants must commit to a minimum of two years working in the sector following the sabbatical



Monday, May 5, 2025

Apply for this Fellowship


Have Questions?

For additional questions about the Fellowships, please contact us.